Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is considered an anxiety disorder. It is usually seen in those who have undergone a life threatening event. It is particularly common in our veterans and is characterized by recurrent nightmares and flashbacks of the event. Those with PTSD usually experience hypervigillance and anxiety throughout the day and avoidance of any place or situation that might bring back a recall of the traumatic event. Unfortunately, the majority of those afflicted also suffer from severe insomnia. This may be due to a fear of recurrent nightmares or a lifelong hyperarousal state brought on by the traumatic incident altering basic brain chemistry.

Recent studies done by the Veterans Administration show that many sufferers may have coexistent sleep disorders such as Sleep Apnea. When treated, sleep improved and in many, nightmares decreased significantly. There are now both behavioral techniques and medications that are available to help with sleep and nightmares. If you or a loved one suffers from PTSD and has associated problems with sleep we can help. Improving the quality and quantity of sleep has positive effects on the symptoms of PTSD.