Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common disorder. It occurs between 3 and 15% of the population. It is more common in women and increases with age. However, it can occur in children and has been mistaken for “growing pains” in the past. RLS is characterized by an overwhelming desire and need to move one’s extremities, usually the legs, in response to an uncomfortable sensation. The movement brings on temporary relief. It is most prone to occur at night and is a major cause of Insomnia, making it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. RLS may be genetic in which 94% of patients have a family history of the disorder. It has also been associated with low iron and low B12 levels as well as chronic renal disease, Parkinson ’s disease, Fibromyalgia, and pregnancy. It has also been cited as a major factor in Depression and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). RLS is treatable, so it is important to bring it to the attention of your health care provider. When low levels of iron and B12 are present it may be reversible. In those who do not have such a cause there are several, excellent new medications available. There is no reason to suffer with this affliction anymore.