Teens and Sleep–Poor Sleep Hygiene and DSPS

Teens and Sleep–Poor Sleep Hygiene and DSPS

If you are the parent of a teenage boy or girl, you may have noticed a later bedtime has become the norm. Two of the main reasons are a natural circadian shift and the abundance of interactive electronics. In fact, this problem is so important that I devoted a chapter...
A Back-to-School Checklist for Sleep

A Back-to-School Checklist for Sleep

1. Calculate how much sleep your child needs Many well-meaning parents have no idea how much sleep their child needs. Preschoolers need 11 to 12 hours. Five to ten-year-olds need 10 to 11 hours and teenagers do best with 9 to 10 hours. 2. Nudge that sleep time forward...
For Better Sleep, Teach Your Kids Good Habits

For Better Sleep, Teach Your Kids Good Habits

It is becoming quite apparent to those of us in sleep medicine that children and adolescents are not getting enough sleep. I believe there are two major reasons for this, the first being that some parents really don’t have a clue as to how much sleep their children...
10 Signs Your Child’s Snoring Is a Problem

10 Signs Your Child’s Snoring Is a Problem

We know that anywhere from 8% to 12% of children snore most nights. This is called habitual snoring. We also know that 3% to 5% of children have sleep apnea. Pediatric sleep apnea is a serious condition that can adversely affect your child’s growth, emotional and...
What Every Parent Should Know About Sleep

What Every Parent Should Know About Sleep

As parents, you should know that 25% of all children experience some type of sleep problem during childhood, the most common being bedtime difficulties and night awakenings. If untreated, these can lead to mood disturbances, impaired attention, and poor impulse...